Shawbrook lifts loan sizes to £35m, launches case management team


Shawbrook has boosted its offer to professional landlords by lifting its maximum loan size to £35m and launching a new case management team to handle larger more complex loans.

Piragash Sivanesan, who joined the business in February as director and head of structured real estate, will lead the new structured real estate team, says the specialist bank.

The lender says the four-strong team will offer a “personalised approach for bigger-ticket loans offering flexible solutions, including the ability to take cases to credit approval before valuation”.

It adds that borrowers taking out buy-to-let and commercial loans over £5m and bridging loans over £2.5 million will have a dedicated relationship manager to “shepherd their deal through the entire process”.

The bank says five-year fixes start from 5.49% for BTL deals, 7.24% for commercial loans and 6.34% for semi-commercial loans (from £5m to £35m), and bridging loans from 0.69% per month.

Shawbrook managing director of real estate Emma Cox says: “Finance at the top-end of the market can be a labyrinth, requiring a keen eye and deep understanding to navigate successfully. 

“That’s exactly why we’ve introduced a structured real estate team and offering, as we want things to be straightforward for our brokers and their customers with flexible financing built around specific needs and delivered with a personal touch

“Our commitment to premium case management means there will always be direct line to our team of experts.”

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