George Lindon-Travers Memorial Race Day set for this July


This year sees the ninth iteration of the George Lindon-Travers Memorial Race Day (GLTMRD), which will be held at Sandown Park on 25 July.

The event is in honour of George Lindon-Travers, son of broker James Lindon-Travers, who tragically passed away in August 2013, aged just 14.

“He had severe special needs but was the happiest chappy ever – we miss him dearly,” says James.

“Inspired by Adrian Moloney at OSB, the GLTMRD was planned and it has been a great success ever since”, he adds of the fundraising day.

The event is held in the Gold Cup Suite at Sandown Park and includes a champagne reception, three course lunch with wine, a full bar service, afternoon tea with live and silent auctions, a raffle and The George Lindon-Travers Memorial Handicap as the highlight of the racing.

The event is co-hosted by James and comedian Ian Irving.

Tables of 10 are priced at £2,750 and can be split if smaller numbers are required.

Funds raised support Disability Challengers, White Lodge Centre, The Elifar Foundation and The Openwork Foundation, with over £300,000 raised to date.

To avail of one of few remaining tables contact James Lindon-Travers on or  call 07710 890042.

*Details of this event featured on page 34 of the April print edition of Mortgage Strategy are incorrect. 

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