Commercial Watch: Hive of activity

August 17, 2023by

The thing about rising interest rates is they tend to set the alarm bells ringing, which spurs people into...

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When Fed cuts rates, it may still be tightening via QT program

August 17, 2023by

Federal Reserve officials are more seriously discussing the possibility that they may not have to stop shrinking their massive...

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Octane forecasts spike in lump sum repayments

August 16, 2023by

Total mortgage repayments are set to fall in 2023 according to the latest analysis by Octane Capital. ...

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Challenges remain despite inflation falling to 6.8%, industry warns

August 16, 2023by

The industry has warned there is still a rocky road ahead despite UK inflation falling by 1.1 % to...

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UK house prices ease to 1.7% rise in June: ONS  

August 16, 2023by

Average UK house prices slowed to a 1.7% rise to £288,000 in the year to June, data from the...

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UK house prices rise 1.7% in June: ONS  

August 16, 2023by

Average UK house prices slowed to a 1.7% rise to £288,000 in the year to June, data from the...

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Ami, Imla and Diff cross-industry mentoring scheme calls for more applicants  

August 16, 2023by

The cross-industry mentoring programme for brokers and other property professionals launched in June is looking for more applicants.   ...

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Lendco refreshes landlord offers, cuts rates by up to 55bps  

August 16, 2023by

Lendco has revamped its landlord range and cut rates across two- and five-year fixes by up to 55 basis...

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Loughborough awarded FairLife Mark

August 16, 2023by

Loughborough Building Society has been awarded the FairLife Mark for its mortgage and savings products. ...

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Ami, Imla and Diff mentoring scheme appeals for applicants  

August 16, 2023by

The cross-industry mentoring programme for brokers and other property professionals launched in June is looking for more applicants.   The...

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