Remortgage fear impacts UK homeowners’ mental health


Four in five UK homewners feel the current mortgage market has impacted their mental health, with two in five seeking therapy or counselling.

This is according to a survey from mortgages which found that almost 9 in 10 responders had remortgaged in the last five years. And a third of Brits reported remortgaging due to their current fixed-rate deal ending.

Over half of responders were concerned about the potentially higher interest rates they would face when they remortgage.

Three in four reported they were more concerned about mortgage rates and housing than five years ago.

Some 52% of responders reported they were concerned about the potentially higher interest rates they might face when they remortgage. The second most common concern was the current economic climate (29.8%).

In recent months Mortgage Strategy has been running a series of videos hosted by Jason Berry, co-founder of the Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter (MIMHC).

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